React Tweet Card


NameDescriptionTypeDefault valueRequired/Optional
authorInformation about the author user of the tweet{ name, username, image, isVerified?, isBusiness?, isGovernment? isProtected? }Required
  - nameName of the authorstringRequired
  - usernameTwitter handle of the authorstringRequired
  - imageURL to the profile picture of the authorstringRequired
  - isVerifiedIndicates whether the author is verifiedbooleanfalseOptional
  - isBusinessIndicates whether the author is a businessbooleanfalseOptional
  - isGovernmentIndicates whether the author is a government representativebooleanfalseOptional
  - isProtectedIndicates whether the author's account is protected/privatebooleanfalseOptional
tweetThe text of the tweet itselfstringRequired
timeTime of tweeting. If passed in as a Date object, it will be formatted as it is on TwitterDate | stringRequired
sourceThe source application for the tweet (e.g. "Twitter for iPhone")stringRequired
permalinkThe URL for the tweet (or anything, it's up to you). Clicking the twitter logo or the time of tweeting on the card will take you to this URL.stringOptional
tweetImagesImages in the tweetArray<{ src, isVideoThumbnail? }>Optional
  - srcSource URL for the imagestringRequired
  - isVideoThumbnailIndicates whether the image is a video thumbnailbooleanfalseOptional
engagementThe number of engagements (replies, RTs, likes) the tweet has received{ replies?, retweets?, likes? }Optional
  - repliesNumber of repliesnumber0Optional
  - retweetsNumber of retweetsnumber0Optional
  - likesNumber of likesnumber0Optional
clickableProfileLinkCreates a clickable visual effect on the name and profile picture of the author. If turned on, clicking these elements will open the user's profile on Twitter.booleanfalseOptional
showDetailsControls wheter the time and source of the tweet should be displayedbooleantrueOptional
showEngagementControls wheter the engagements of the tweet should be displayedbooleantrueOptional
themeThe theme setting for the card"light" | "dim" | "dark""light"Optional
colorsGives you the option to override the colors used in the card{ primary, secondary, accent, background }{}Optional
gradientBackgroundSets the card's background to gradientbooleanfalseOptional
blurredBackgroundSets the card's background to blurredbooleanfalseOptional
emojisIf true, engagement icons will be replaced with emoji charactersbooleanfalseOptional
fitInsideContainerScales the contents of the card to perfectly fit inside its parent container. Only works if the element is capable of overflowing on the page.booleanfalseOptional

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